Thursday 15 September 2011

no, im not going to be that fashion student that revises who everyone involved in london fashion week is, I'm not going to join that girl from texas at my course to try and get in. im not going to waste my day in sommerset house tomorrow spending time with someone whos voice doesn't get along with mine, while she shows off about all these designers shes memorised off no. fuck you. fuck off. I'll spend my time with my friends who are moving away to uni this weekend. im going to spend the valueable time left i have with them. Never am i going to become a fashion student who shows off to her peers how good my memory of a website is, or make shitty floral patterns.

i have better things to do, and for now, this can come later.
i want to get a side cut but i don't trust my hair dresser to not fuck it up. i dont trust my self either... i want purple hair, but also blonde hair..and then i will be able to semi permanent my haiir peachy colours whenever i like :)

Friday 22 July 2011

Gothic-beer-vivienne westwood-skulls



ambulance (clipped to



Skelton (clipped to

the shoes i want..

the shoes i want..

Jeffrey campbell shoes
1 695 SEK -

Leopard print shoes
$104 -

Dr. Martens dr martens shoes
$230 -

Jeffrey campbell shoes
1 695 SEK -

£77 -

Converse sport sneaker
£45 -

£74 -

Thursday 21 July 2011

Wow Neglection, and i don't even have an excuse

I'm just a lazy shit..
But in other news the interview was fine, I was really nervous but it turned out okay. well..i hope it did. I was interviewing Oggy Yordanov, a photographer who was promoting his first book, new club kids. he takes some really amazing and wacky photos, you should look him up.
But anyway, mm. I did wear my Vivienne Westwood skirtand my new asos stripe tights.(and henry holland zebra shirt) yay shitty phone picture. i need to buy a tripod..
But the most exciting news is my new purchase i am waiting for...
I got a pair of Black Jeffrey Campbell Litas. i can't wait for them to arrive.
ahhhh. i am shopping far too much recently, I went to the vintage kilo sale in brick lane on saturday and i managed to get about 6 things for £19.40
but um, yeah. hi new followers, thanks for following!

Tuesday 14 June 2011

I am interviewing a photographer tomorrow, I'm so nervous wtf. social interactions with people I know are nervous enough, but tomorrow... I really need to start trying to work out my outfit now, but after spending a day of lazing around in slob clothes I can't be bothered to move or get dressed and do common sense things like putting on a bra. Maybe I'll wear my Vivienne Westwood skirt I got for a pound on saturday..... agh. I need to have a stiff drink before interviewing tomorrow. I'm going to bring my Hipflask.. and I have a spare cider left over from saturday. ahem. drunken interviewing yay. I'll let you know what happens.

Monday 13 June 2011

family friend win, this was on my list of things to buy as i have no shoes anymore and i can't wear pumps anymore because they feel wrong. Along with my birthday present i recieved these converse. yay. I've replaced the laces with black ones now.

Thursday 9 June 2011

because i eat safety pins.
Well hello there, its been a while, exams and stress and my other blog have been priority
hello to new followers, this is my face.
i have got new piercings! well when i say new, the nose piercing is hardly new, since november, and the septum, well thats very recent.. (i lost the ball yayanoyay)
Im going to try and keep the fashion blogging up this time, so a current wardrobe statement:
Studs and collars.
i did a bit of DIY hacking to make a collar. i mutated an old school shirt and the used a stud kit i got for a birthday present in primary school. Never knew it would be so helpful!errmm outfit post? idk.

Monday 9 May 2011

(image credit)
thing is, i've given up my social life and enough sleep, but I still don't have good grades. thats not very fair, is it?

Sunday 8 May 2011


its funny how situations can change so quickly. a few weeks ago My sister seemed fine, she seemed miles away from everything that happened last year. But now, on the dawning week of our birthday, she seems no better than months ago. and there isn't a fucking thing i can do about it.

Monday 18 April 2011

you cant make any kind of opinion published online
without having to expect people to claim you cant take a joke or start trying to have a political discussion..
it seems these days, its just better to be a mute with no opinion at all because otherwise you'll just get shot down.
why is tumblr full of nazi blogs and i've only just realised? i dont want to be reblogged by them.
i wish i'd never said anything.

Thursday 17 March 2011

1 photo of yourself

this doesn't look like me. probably becaus my eyeliner died or something.
And if your asking, i dipdyed my fringe. if your not, then i didn't..

Morbidity apologies

the comfort i seek and achieve on the basis that: i'm failing at everything. MO-FUCKING WIN.
what the fuck is the point? everything is a downard spiral.
school is discusting. i'm a slacker. i'll admit it. procratination is my middle name, but if you think this is a life style choice.. then fuck off.
motivation is rare and sparce.
falling behind is so easy. homework not done, what damage will missing one lesson do? coupled with 2 health/ medical events that put me into so much pain and also embarrasment, discomfort and body image dislike, left me hardly tempted to leave my bedroom, even during snow.
and then shabby attendance anyway. left me with a shit hole filled of shit. and im working on it. tomorrrow i will have gone to school everyday for 3 weeks. for 2 weeks now ive attended every single lesson. this is a an achievement for me. i know it is the norm expected of everyone, but standards slip. so i'm trying my best, and all i get is fuck all. im trying so hard but no one cares to even fucking acknoledge it. and they just pile more. why the fuck do we even bother?
the life cycle sucks. get born, get an education, get to uni, get a good job, get a family, get and retire, get dead.
surely there must be more than this? is it asking for too much? i look at adults now and wonder if there actually happy. is that actually what they want? or are they just doing so because its expected of them, its what there qualified. I look at my family in dismay. as far as im concerned nothing has turned out right anymore.I cant really envisage that my dad wanted to end up having to be the bone structure of my family, caring for my mum, holding my sister together, this cant possibly be what he wanted all along. why would anyone want that much responsibility.
detachment. it not because you dont care, its because its the only way you can handle it.
i dont even know what im living for.

Monday 14 March 2011

2 songs

just 2 songs..? ugh...

1. Jerk it out- the Caesars
2. cant decide... Afghhgghhg ermmm trash the rental- crystal castles

Tuesday 8 March 2011

3 Films

for the moment (cos these will change..)
1. The Wackness
2. Despicable Me
3. Easy A

Saturday 5 March 2011

4 books

was looking forward to this one, i'm sure easier than the others.

1. just in Case
2. Love Machine
3. Eve Green
4. Artsits' Jornals and Sketchbooks (not fiction but quite inspiring/all else i could think of was harryp not cool.)

5 foods

1. Potato (mashed/roasted/deep fried/baked..etc)
2. gravy
3. chocolate
4. cheese

alcohol doesn't count as food though right?

Thursday 3 March 2011

write that fucking dissertation..
I'm so tired.
and i am worried i'm developing that thing where you dream nightmares/unplesant dreams every time you sleep. I'll stop sleeping when that happens.

6 places

2.Las Vegas
3.St Lucia
4.Ptown again
6.Iceland again

7 wants

i;m going to find this really hard, ideally: get into camberwell get into camberwell get into camberwell get into camberwell... you get the picture.

1. to get into Camberwell
2. my mum back
3. my enjoy things again
4. an exciting life
5. success and achievement and amazing expiences
6. the right decision of what i want to do in career/life
7. be independant

Tuesday 1 March 2011

8 Fears

1. dying
2. failing my a-levels, and also at life..
3. moving house
4. losing things
5. not getting into Camberwell
6. Miss Cavangar
7. the future
8. people i suspect that are capable of rape, abduction, murder. etc while on my way home at night.

Monday 28 February 2011

9 Loves

1. early mornings with warm sun
2. intoxication
3. independance
4. clothes, i could drown in clothes and i would be happy.&shoes.
5. cameraaa
6. art and creativity (inc. music)
7. my friends.
8. Skulls and Anchors
9. freedom

in no particualr order. and that was hard.

10 secrets

1. i think i have an undiagnosed anxiety disorder
2. my father has a tattoo
3. my mum has dementia
4. i don't really fit into my family
5. i have an inability to concerntrate
6. i speak to Ashley nearly everyday.for over a week in summer we had no contact and i started to believe he was an illusion.
7. i hate the summer and i always end up hating the winter
8. i got my first pair of handcuffs in year 3
9. as a child i was obsessed with tattoos and corsets
10. my first festival, deconstruction 2002. i was 8/9

Sunday 27 February 2011

im so bored of fucking failing at everything.

i sometimes forget that my fish have names..
i'll make a terrible parent one day.

Friday 25 February 2011

i'm so lonely but i have no one.
my only company is my fish and i don't even like them that much. i can't even be bothered to feed them.

Sunday 20 February 2011

according to google analytics..

im thinking google analytics on my tumblr is broke. i dont think its ever worked.. compared to the stats for this blog, im getting more traffic here on blogspot with my FOUR followers, than traffic on my tumblr, with 34 followers..this blog, that is hardly ever, rarely updated.
i mean, why do i even bother? its getting to become so much effort to make sure i've remembered to take a photo each day. the time and effort it takes to remember what i did that day..
the stupid thing is im not doing this so i can get 'tumblr famous' or popular, just will truely map out my lame year. and its just frustrating for anayltics to burst my bubble of me thinking it is going well. my friend told me she went on my blog yesterday, yet analytics claims a certain lack of views at all.. just. fuck.
dont gett me wrong, i do adore all my followers and really appricate the attention. its just a little frustrating. i should just suck it up i guess.
so here you go, an update for all those strange stats.

Monday 17 January 2011

happy new year, neglected blog.

ah poor neglected blog.
ive started a new one,
check it out, its a bit different to this one as its a photo for everyday of the year.
this blog, your not forgotten! i am just preoccupied with school, and homework, but blog, i will be back. i have A MASSIVE LIST of things i intend to blog about, but in the meantime, if anyone reads this and misses me ( i doubt it but whatever) go to my tumblr to hear a non stop boredness of each and everyday of my crappy life. so enjoy.
love you blog, i'll be baCK in a while
Weez xx