Tuesday, 7 December 2010

Give me your opinion, answer my polll

Eloise would like to know..
Next year, i will be taking a photo for everyday of the year, which blogging website should i use to document it?
Tumblr- be at risk of becoming a \'reblogging\' whore.
Blogspot- torment with annoying editor.
anotherrr one? suggestions would be lovely.

Sunday, 5 December 2010


i want to give up now. i'm fucking done with everything.

Wednesday, 3 November 2010

the current way things are

At the moment staying up till 4/4.30am every night. its pretty fucking exhausting. i only have my self to blame though, every holiday i have i always think, this will be the holiday when i start to use my time wisely. this is when i will finally be sorted and get a decent night's sleep on the sunday night/monday morning homework rush. but no. nada. its only going to get worse. my concerntration comes in irregular gulps - thats actually what its like.
i never can concerntrate. i feel pretty enthusiastic about art at the moment, i started 3 double pages today, about the most productive i've ever been in my expiremental book.
I want to be doing art right now. i dont want to end up with last minute fuck up like last year. i dont want to be taken aside again and be scrutinised with a concerned look on their faces.
Miss sharmer, although i dislike her, talked to me about my ideas yesterday and im surprised to say it triggered more than my first orginal idea. progress woo!
but cant be doing artright now coz i have a fucking business test tomorrow and im going to flop.
UGH. art motivation please stick around, Pleaseee

Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Pack up Bittfcch

Happy happy song.kinda.
this is what i result to keeping me working at early hours of the morning.
i had an empathy (..is that the right word?) the other day, which i soon will blog about.
i wonder how much any of this effects my life.

Sunday, 31 October 2010

what's 2 + 2 ?

ooh thats a toughiee
what, thats like 10?


not cool

If I could write you a song,
and make you fall in love,
I would already have you up under my arm.
I used to pull all my tricks,
I hope that you like this.
but you probably won't,
you think you're cooler than me.

you got designer shades,
just to hide your face and
you wear them around like
you're cooler than me.
and you never say hey,
or remember my name.
its probably cuz,
you think you're cooler than me.


Friday, 17 September 2010


yeah man.. saatchi galleryyyy

Monday, 13 September 2010


Im impatient, things must come faster, i crave attention to an extend, yet attempt it (in a hopefully discrete way)
i hate being ignored, dont ignore me. i hate being left out. being left out is like the bain of my life. it bugs me to no measuable extent. i have an incredibly short attention span. I get very stressed very easily.the only way to ease it is to live half conicously.. throw half an eye at things.
since year 10 or so i feel i have only put in half the effort, only pulled my weight to a certain extent.
i am just living slyly on the edge waiting for someone to identifty my half heartedness. im yet to be discovered.
I get verry nervous very easily, like so nervous i feel sick, its stupid. have to tell your self to calm the fuck down.
I hate speaking aloud at school when the teachers pick on you. like a constant fear of being humiliated.from all my teachers, most of my life, the comments are "she's very quiet, she should try and participate in the lesson more"
i always attempt to pretend to do the work, i dont do it though, i bunk homeworks all the time and all my school life i've only had about 1 actual detention, i manage to snake away from teachers anger some how. something to do with being 5'2 and shy in class, no?
well it works anyway.
i bare grudges, i doont forgive but i also forgive very easily. im likely to backstab, if i didnt, how else would i keep this frame of innocence..
im quiet alot of the time, dont think it is bacause i have nothing to say, yet if you know me well i can become rather loud.
i find it hard to switch off.
i have volient tendencies..yeaah. im not a nice person.

Chocolate Digestives are addictive

so, its been awhile. been away, been argueing,been eating, been not eating at all.. meh, that was my summer.
oh, and im forgetting, best part of the holiday was digestives.. no i joke. reading festival muthaafuckkka!!
i cant wait for next year xDDD met a few nice people, but mostly the it was the best just camping with all my friends and the fail barbeques and morning trips to tesco, drinking before midday, everyday, having my drunk/areana buddie everyday. theres a great campiing spirit, like everyone is filled with a special energy. amongst everyone hot boxing there tents, k-holes,stolen strongbow and 24 crates for only a tenner.
and thats not even getting to the music. was fabulouso!
nice to be able to spend time with everyione again that i had missed.
Reading Festival 2010, you blew my mind :))

FEstival Checklist
many hoodies (that remain dry and dont get soaked on the first day)
toliet paper
baby wipes
sleeping bag
a hat
thermals!! (ok maybe not)
slummy trousers
very select amount of food..( its heavy to carry and much easier if you buy it there)
more than 1 pair of proper shoes (dont just bring wellies and flipflops like a wally like me)
small bottle of water.. but buy 2 litre bottles once there,
the tickets
a small bag suitable to take into the arena (big enough to fit money, backy, skins, etc, dispoasable camera..phone) and anarak clipped on to it!
disposable camerass
a shit phone, seriously guys quit bringing your iphones to reading, its complete madness.
suncream (on the first day they all claimed i was mad to bring it, by the next day they were all asking to borrow some)
bare minimals of make-up
other kinds of lady protection..
empty bin liners
dry shampoo
hmmm... and then like norm stuff that you need to bring. REMEBER LIPBALM!

bye boitchhh

Tuesday, 6 July 2010

I dont get..

people who lie for no good reason.
Giant rolos ftw!
Weez xx

Thursday, 24 June 2010

This is actual madness but its SO PRETTY! i want it..

ok wait, its not even pretty tbh. but its shiney and omononnmnmm!!!! and so gooooood!
(not my video)


seems pety but i have been trying to install OS 4 for 5/6 hours now, and my patience is through.
its still only looks like this.. fuck fuck fuck
everything is shit. fuck that.
only appealing thing right now sounds like pain and numbness. i want to scream..
i guess you could say im feeling pretty fucking fed up with my life.

Shoot me now.

Boreedddness-summer project

this is not mine, thiswas found on the internet by my friend. :) ( I TAKE NO CREDIT FOR THIS.)
bored? get a journal, doo this for funtimes..
ssimilar to my wreck this journal.. by the same person mostprobably.

  1. Go for a walk. Draw or list things you find on the the sidewalk.

    2. Write a letter to yourself in the future.

  2. 3. Buy something inexpensive as a symbol for your need to create, (new
    pen, a tea cup, journal). Use it everyday.

    4. Draw your dinner.

    5. Find a piece of poetry you respond to. Rewrite it and glue it into
    your journal.

    6. Glue an envelope into your journal. For one week collect items
    you find on the street.

    7. Expose yourself to a new artist, (go to a gallery, or in a book.)
    Write about what moves you about it.

    8. Find a photo of a person you do not know. Write a brief bio about

    9. Spend a day drawing only red things.
    10. Draw your bike.

    11. Make a list of things you buy in the next week.

    12. Make a map of everywhere you went in one day.

    13. Draw a map of the creases on your hand, (knuckles, palm)

    14. Trace your footsteps with chalk.

    15. Record an overheard conversation.

    16. Trace the path of the moon in relation to where you live.

    17. Go to a paint store. Collect 'chips' of all your favorite colors.

    18. Draw your favorite tree.

    19. Take 15 minutes to eat an orange.

    20. Write a haiku.

    21. Hang upside down for five minutes.

    22. Hang found objects from tree branches.

    23. Make a puppet.

    24. Create an outdoor room from things you find in nature.

    25. Read a book in one day.

    26. Illustrate your grocery list.

    27. Read a story out loud to a friend.

    28. Write a letter to someone you admire.

    29. Study the face of someone you do not like.

    30. Make a meal based on a color theme. (i.e. all white).

    31. Creat a museum of very small things.

    32. List the smells in your neighborhood.

    33. List 100 uses for a tin can.

    34. Fill an entire page in your jounral with small circles. Color
    them in.

    35. Give away something you love.

    36. Choose an object, draw the side you can't see.

    37. List all of the places you've ever lived.

    38. Describe your favourite room in detail.

    39. Write about your relationship with your washing machine.

    40. Draw all of the things in your purse/bag.

    41. Make a mini book based on the theme, "my grocery list".

    42. Create a character based on someone you know. Write a list of
    personality traits.

    43. Recall your favorite childhood game.

    44. Put postcards of art pieces/painting on the inside of your kitchen
    cupboard doors, so you can see them everyday (but not become deaf to

    45. Draw the same object every day for a week.

    46. Write in your journal using a different medium (brush & ink,
    charcoal, old typewriter, crayons, fat markers.

    47. Draw the individual items of your favorite outfit.

    48. Make a useful item using only paper & tape.

    49. Research a celebration or ritual from another culture.

    50. Do a temporary art installation using a pad of post it notes & a

    51. Draw a map of your favorite sitting spots in your town/city.
    (photocopy it and give it to someone you like.)

    52. Record all of the sounds you hear in the course of one hours.

    53. Using a grid, collect various textures from magazine and play
    them off of each other.

    54. Cut out all media for one day. Write about the effects.

    55. Make pencil rubbings of six different surfaces.

    56. Draw your garbage.

    57. Do a morning collage.

    58. List your ten most important things, (not including animals or

    59. List ten things you would like to do every day.

    60. Glue a photo of yourself as a child into your journal.

    61. Trasform some garbage.

    62. Write an entry in your journal in really LARGE letters.

    63. Collect some 'flat' things in nature (leaves, flowers). Glue or
    tape them into your journal.

    64. Physically alter a page. (i.e. cut a hole, pour tea on it, burn
    it, fold it, etc.)

    65. Find several color combinations you respond to in public. Document
    them using swatches, write where you found them.

    66. Write a journal entry describing something "secret". Cut it up
    into several pieces and glue them back in scrambled.

    67. Record descriptions or definitions of subjects or words you are
    interested in, found in encyclopedias or dictionaries.

    68. Draw the outline of an object without looking at the page.
    (contour drawing).

    69. What were you thinking just now? write it down.

    70. Do nothing.

    71. Write a list of ten things you could to do. Do the last thing on
    the list.

    72. Create an image using dots.

    73. Do 3 drawings at different speeds.

    74. Put a small object in your left pocket (or in a bag), Put your
    left hand in the pocket. Draw it by feel.

    75. Create a graph documenting or measuring something in your life.

    76. Draw the sun.

    77. Create instructions for a simple everyday task.

    78. Make prints using food. (fruit and vegetables cut in half, fish,

    79. Find a photo. Alter it by drawing over it.

    80. Write a letter using an unconventional medium.

    81. Draw one object for twenty minutes.

    82. Combine two activities that have not been combined before.

    83. Write about your day in an encyclopedic fashion. (i.e. organize by

    84. Write a list of all the things you do to escape.

    85. Cut a random shape out of several layers of a magazine. Make a
    collage out of the results.

    86. Write an entry in code.

    87. Make a painting using tools from the bathroom.

    88. Work with a medium that is subtractive.

    89. Write about or draw some of the doors in your life.

    90. Make a postcard that has some kind of activity on it.

    91. Divise a journal entry using "layers".

    92. Divise an entry using "layers".

    93. Write your own definition of one of the following concepts,
    sitting, waiting, sleeping (without using the actual word.)

    94. List 10 of your habits.

    95. Illustrate the concept of "simplicity".

Weez XX

Wednesday, 16 June 2010


i think i have anger issues. the tiniest things stress me out and build up and then i just lash out for the most unreasonable reasons.
its not fair to people. i havnt felt anger like this for a while.
i need to calm the fuck down again or i'll lose everyone again.

is this a sign that i am no longer managing to cope?

Tuesday, 8 June 2010

Im listening to the Contours While eating Chicken nuggets :)

ah! my exams are over! and i have a week off from school. i flunked my exam, but i dont really care right now. i can worry about it later!
and yes, i am blogging! for once! god i have missed not having anything better to do with my time. i literally dont have to do anything! i havnt felt so responsibility free since last summer with the massive GCSE study leave break.
and i am feeling bare happy right now. maybe its that i am no longer trying to cram rubbish i dont understand into my brain, maybe its cos my Wreck this Journal just came with my next day delivery from amazon! and its abserlutely pouring :D i forgot how happy rain can make me sometimes. i dont need to listen to music. i am just enjoying the sound it makes as it patters on my roof :)
oh dear, it sounds like i've floated off to lala land..

yah. it was half term last week, was a welcome break. pissed around the whole week tho, COMPLETE REVISION FAIL HAha..!
had a lovely drunken cotch on friday afternoon that involved paddling pools and singsongs, then i went to Gorden Ramsays Resturant with my family as a late birthday dinner for me and my sister.. was actually too awesum!
yeah.. im going to blog about food im afraid!
when we first got there they offered us avacardo and lobster canapes.. they were like in mini ice cream cones.. but i like neither of these so refused this and they offered me just a avacardo one haha they were nice waiters hah
then, pesto and ricotta between two potato chips..which is butters also but i dont like pesto..
so at this point i was like... actualfuckthissuckswhyamihereimnotposhenoughtobeherehelp

and then they served us this appitiser and i saw the caviar and prawnyness and was like fuck off im not eating that. but parents ecouraged me and the yellow liquid was like tomato soup.. really really good.. i left all the nasty crap though..
aand then the starters wasw an option between pigs trotters and tuna.. i had the pig, sounds discusting i know, but omg looked amazing and tasted even better..

then i had beef cooked to fucking perfection which potato and ox cheek..yeah i ate ox cheek. i did refuse to eat that too initally..but it was buff.
got so caught up in excitement that i forgot to take a photo..
then pudding, i ordered a "granny smith parfit with blackberry foam and honeycomb sheets with cider ice cream" sound noming or what?
then they served us a pineapple and coconut soup, i like neither of these as well but it was so delicious! and it had popping candy in it xD


rest of the famalams pudding.

ermmm im bored. to be continued!

Monday, 7 June 2010

Quagmire Hate Brian Rant

"Okay I'll tell you. You are the worst person I know. You constantly
hit on your best friends wife. The man pays for your food and recused
you from certain death and this is how you repay him. And to add
insult to injury you deficate all over his yard. You pay for nothing.
You always say ooh I'll get you later but later never comes. And what
really bothers me. You pretend like your this deep guy who loves women
for their souls. Yeah. I date bimbos but at least I admit it. I don't
buy them a copy of catcher in the rye and then lecture them with a
seventh grade interpritation about Holden corfield was some profound
interlectual. He wasn't! He was a spoiled bratt and that's why you
like him so much. He's you. God you're pretenious. And you deloud
yourself by thinking you're some great writer even though you're
terrible. You know I should have known cheryl tegs didn't write me
that note. She would have known there's no a in the word definate. And
what I think I hate most about you is your text book liberal agenda.
How we should legalise pot, man. How big business is crushig the
underclass. How homelessness is the biggest tradgity in American. Well
what have you done to help? I work down at the soup kithen brian.
Never seen you down there! You wanna help? Grab a ladle!
Oh and by the way. Driving a prius doesn't make you Jesus Christ!
Oh wait! You don't believe in Jesus Christ or any religion for that matter because
religion is for idiots. Well who the hell are you to talk down to
anyone? You failed college twice! Which isn't nearly as bad as your
failure as a father. How is that son of yours you never see? But you
know what. I could forgive that. All of it. If you weren't such a
bore. I mean that's the worst of it, Brian. You just a big sad
alcoholic bore. Sigh. Well I'll see you Brian. Thanks for the *bleep*
video not mine!

thanks for dictation by Ashley :)

i love this rant cos its all true.. also whenever have you heard Quagmire speak so passionately about anything that isn't to do with women..
ahah this is why i should use tumblr instead.

Wednesday, 12 May 2010

Tuesday, 11 May 2010

r u a lesbian?

haha. im as straight as a bendy ruler

Uhhohh spagetti-O

Monday, 10 May 2010

Would you rather have a boob face with a nipple nose or boob belly with nipple belly button?

boob belly with nipple tummy button.i quite like my nose and a boob belly would be an easier defect to hide..

Uhhohh spagetti-O

Would you rather have willy teeth or a wily tongue?

willy Tongue.. willy teeth is just a bit weird. except but then you could bite your willy by accident.. Idk!!! i would rather no wily at all. why, what would you prefer?

Uhhohh spagetti-O

Why the fuck is gravity not workb for me anymore?!? I have to hold onto cat food to stay grounded! If I get arrested and their like 'stick your hands in the air!' I'm screwed....

it's coz you ripped catface t-shirt

Uhhohh spagetti-O

Are apples a good source of potasium? The president of bacon tells me these things but not entirely convinced. Why is the president o bacon a french duke too? It makes no sense.

yeahh they are!! also something that may interest you is that CIDER vinagar is also a good natural source of potassium. and he is president of bacon, and a food type so I guess he should know these things. and you know the french all good at cooking and shit.

Uhhohh spagetti-O

Wednesday, 5 May 2010

Wishh list

this is my topshop wishlist for my birthday.
why is topshop so lacy at the moment? i get that this is there spring theme/thing they are going with, im just hoping this doesn't become a spring classic with all the typical floral prints. We can live with the floral. its cute. i like. but i am getting a little tired of every item of clothing being lace adorned.
ook rant over.
I AM OBSESSED WITH CROP TOPS atm it seems.and that bag. i neeeeed that bag. it is like the sex. just look at it *purrrrs*
im going to stop talking before i scare whatever minimal audience my blog has.

yeah. get me. im the front cover of a magazine, get me bruv.

Weez xx

Thursday, 8 April 2010


everything has gone to shit. i think i'm going camping.

Thursday, 25 February 2010

Absence. London Fashion Weekend

so i returned to ikea on monday as i called them up and they said someone had handed in a iphone, i went all the way to croydon, and they cannot find it. pissed.
i hate ikea now, we can no longer be friends.

On tuesday i went to see oscario which was nice, i stole his potato wedges :D

On wednesday i returned to ikea to have a shout.. succeeded in nothing, they are now trying to deny a iphone was ever handed in, dickheads. i bet they ripped the page out because they realised i could sue xD i would know, the papa is a lawyer.
so, decided to drown my sorrows again dispite school the next day.ended up on bus stop tops again, and got told to get down by

Down to real business:
London Fashion Weekend *dies*
Cosmopolitan, thank you thank you thank you ^.^ Bolle got us those meetings, we then returned in half term and they gave us thessse.
So the event was held at Somerset House, it started at 5pm but we were late coz emily had work. we got chatted up by some swamy guys while we were at the station,they were from new york or something, saying they had heard that 'coventry garden' (ahaha fools its covent garden) was where lots of bars and clubs were, was it true and did we want to join them..we told them we were on a school trip! that didnt stop them from telling us 'have a good school trip, ladies' at victoria.
we got the circle and district line to temple, where we got lost and didnt have a clue where somerset house was. also it was pouring down, and when we were standing right outside it we were still like.. errr where is it?? we're so ditzy sometimes. so when we finally got there, there was a massive tent in the courtyard of somerset house. i felt underdressed, i should have worn heels rather than my mums old tatty leather boots, but i think sophie and emily were more underdressed than me. so it was great, we arrived and i felt so out of place, and also trampy as we were soaked..
oh dear.. but i am wearing my current favorite fashion item , my velvet leggings.
So anyway. in the tent was a bar with all these important looking people sipping champagne and wearing extravagant hats. we wanted to get some champagne, but at a fiver a glass we gave it a miss. was so tempting to drink abandonned glasses that were around the tent.. but we all resisted, we didnt want to look even more out of place.
we looked round the tent, the stalls were pretty cool, nice designer jewellry and wowza purses and stuff. but things got better when we went into
the buildings.
There were rooms with racks full of designer clothes :D
there were some designers i had heard of, like Vivenne Westwood and Dolce and Gabanna.. etc etc it was so sick!
and then loads of little unknown (well unknown to me) designers, t
hat were also affordable :)
i almost bought a gold neclace with a skull on it from one of the designer je
wellry stalls, to replace my ceramic skull neclace that i lost and used to wear everyday. it was £30 though, glad i didnt, i got better stuff.

yeeahh, cool business cards and stuff :)
we got spending :) i bought the most amazing sequin blazer, in the style of a biker jacket. i love love love it :) it was by 'saints & sinners'
then i bought two t-shirts from 'Buddist Punk', which were pretty cheap too
and a leather purse from 'Billy Bags'
ok, im tired now and bored of writing.
peace out losers.
Weez XX

Thursday, 18 February 2010

Half term

i realise that i havnt uploaded anything in a while, i couldnt be bothered. sorry. ( i will make up for it now though!) Halft term was a good, bad, and terrible week. i got drunk every day from friday the 12th to saturday the 20th. good times :)

***ok, something i wrote on my DA blog.

"it was half term last week, and i have much to upload but i lost my iphone when i was drunk in ikea and its pretty lame and shallow of me but everytime i tryed to start writing a blog or edit a photo or something i couldn't be bothered.it made me feel too depressed and unconnected to the world.. dont lose iphones. there like your life.. to much stuff has been going on. so brief overview of half term: friday 12th:me and my friend dressed up retro and went to a modern cafe, fun times. then went back to his and proceeded to get drunk, before some of my friends had finished school evern :/ thebn we went to a playpark and i had to climb a longting thingy. decided that it would be an awsome place to take drugs but he doesnt. not yet. told him i would corrupt him though. dispite he is 2 years older than me. then we were going to see hairspray as my school was doing a production but i had photocopied the tickets and people were being turned away so we didnt bother trying. ended at oscars which was rather 'chill'. saturday 13th:website work!woo. then we went sophs, i was bouncing off the walls. i found it halirous how some were slumped on a bed asking how long they were going to be drunk for, i just assured them that it would be ok in the morning. couldnt sleep till 5am. was buzzing the next day also.. sunday 14:went round sainsburys with the padres! valentines day..oscar cooked me pizza, had bottle of wine, watched the boat that rocked.i hate valentines but i was impressed. monday: didnt get up till about 2pm.then had to drag my self home and go ikea. thhat was interesting. i explianed bout iphone. then after realising i had lost it i went on a complete bender. ended up on the top of a bus stop at 4am dancing, trying to go on a booze run. had major dmcs with my friend too.

tuesday: realisation of day before, had an interview, that i turned up late to, slightly drunk/hungover. was a complete maze to get into the building and the guy didnt seem too impressed.then zara came over as it was shrove tuesday and we made some pancakes, then went to rorys basement rave, his basement was so sick!
we just managed to catch the last bus home. wednesday: had a meeting with cosmopolitan :D they gave us free tickets to london fashion weekend!!then i had lunch with my dad in his office, went home, watched 21, and ended up at a party in sevenoaks. got a bit drunk.. effy dancing and all. we cotched in the bathroom the whole night as the party was quite dry, listening to the only 2 songs on my shitty phone. i was standing on the bathroom sink dancing. good times. thursday: got back from sevenoaks like 11am, was so tired. needed coffee bad. then went james house, got drunk, told him i used to think he was a loser but hes a nice person.. aha. raving at the bus stop and drunken phone calls to people. friday:cotch at oscars with mila and george, it waas chill but fun. i bare facebook raped mila which was fun once she and george had left.fell asleep and ended up getting home at 4am. saturday: got woken up by a fone call from an upset friend, managed to comfort her. good that she called me or i wouldnt have got up at all. went to A's and watched pulp fiction and made pancakes. evening returned to alexs after a lifetime to celebrate harrys birthday. sunday: 'worked' "

so i have another iphone, am feeling a little better now. mucho things have happened very recently.
and sorry, lack of fashion in this blog. :) next one in due course, fashion WEEEk

also the website work i was talking about : Bolle Magazinee

Weez xx

Tuesday, 2 February 2010

The most fun you can have without taking your clothes off..

its so encouraging that people, even if just a small few are looking at this blog. yay :)
so the valentines themed photoshoot went well, it was good beacause i thought people would be reluctant to join in, but everyone there got pretty entusiastic after a strongbow or two..;) it was a fun day. but my managing director wasn't so happy, coz the valentines theme bit didn't work out so well. you cant do valentines theme with teenagers, they hate it. its just a day to get drunk and do regretable things with the opposite sex, or same, depending on your sexual orientation and how drunk you are xD. or unless your one of those homely teens who sets up camp at the first chance. (i am kind of neither.) woops, allow me going off the subject. but MD will just have to grin and be ar it. i think i will call the shoot 'the most fun you can have without taking your clothes off' which of course wasnt true in the slightest! preview: not the best photo, but gotta keep the good ones exclusive for the webmag :)

hehehe webmag. i have such amazing news about it. On friday we bunked school to go on these two business meetings, first one we had to travel out of london to this lame-ish place, it was kinda interesting but was a bit crap. then we had to go back to central london, we went to this proper magazine company, offices off oxford street, im not guna say which but basically the are the most popular magazine aparantly (according to them..) sold in 51 countries. this place was so much more promising than the first, they told us about there websites, stuff we should include, and then we told them about our project. THEY THEN OFFERED US A PARTNERSHIP DEAL. this is basically the best news ever. i guess this isnt making much sense right now but i cant be bothered to explain and i have hw to do :(

so, i said i would start blogging about fashion, so here goes.
Has anyone heard of Louise Gray?

i found her whilst browsing style.com trying to decide what designer i am going to create a diffusion line for my textiles project. i havn'd decided on which designer yet -.-
shes scottish, she started as a textiles designer. And her RTW 2010 spring collection i think is awsome! i am going to try and recreate my own version of this cut out t-shirt.

ahh, that was brief on fashion.. larger on the rest, i have more to say but homework calls..
oh yes, the stop smoking thing lasted till friday..FAIL TIME :)
Weez xx

Monday, 25 January 2010

So i have been making alot of decisions today, firstly:
  • to start up a blog.
  • to blog about fashion (which i previously didnt think i could do)
  • organise and invite people to a valentines themed photoshoot, lucky me.
  • to stop eating like a pig!
  • to never, ever smoke again, because it is a discusting and filthy habit which makes me feel sick just thinking about it.(well that i will not smoke at all at all at all this week)
aha, i almost forgot to introduce my self.(i dont usually do my hair and make-up like this, it was a christmas inspired photoshoot)
Im Eloise;Im 16;Im in sixthform;i love;art;fashion;photography;music; FRIENDS
and i own a riduculous amount of clothes xD & a sick camera.
oh yes and i have dyed black hair

that is all. i will start blogging about fashion in the next one.